Friday, February 20, 2009

Only Days Away

Logistics have begun to fall into place. I now know that Washington DC will be the location of my staging event. On March 10th at 6AM I will fly out of the Albuquerque Sunport, make a stop in Dallas, and arrive in the capital city at 1:05PM. After checking into the Holiday Inn Georgetown I will join my fellow Costa Rica volunteers for a brief training regarding safety, logistics, and personal commitment to PC from 3 to 7PM.

Then, continuing with the early bird pattern we will depart the Washington Raegan Airport at 6AM for Costa Rica with a layover in Miami. My favorite part of the itinerary for the morning of March 11th, 2009 is the bold "1:30AM Checkout of Hotel." Yes, this is not a typo. 1:30AM has been nominated as the start of our day, probably because that's the window of time necessary to organize a sizeable group for departure via air. If the rest of the Costa Rica clan is anything like myself, the adrenaline rush of the experience will replace the need, and perhaps even the ability to sleep that night anyway. This will be a splendid way to get to know my colleagues. I can picture it now... we will be rushing around frantically lugging the personal items which are to sustain us for two years; crowding around each other in a herd of excited explorers preparing to take on our planet's problems; nervously laughing and chatting; making last-minute phone calls to loved ones in the wee hours of the morning; having the constant feeling of forgetting something important. Ah, travel.

Now to copy one of my fellow CR volunteers, Rebecca (since copying is the highest form of flattery),

A few things I will miss while in Central America:

1) My tennis team(s) and tournaments
2) My soccer teams(s) and tournaments
3) The Sandia Mountains
4) Satellite Coffee (Although I am sure I will not have trouble finding coffee in Costa Rica)
5) Comida de Nuevo Mexico (chile verde y rojo)
6) My 60-something pairs of shoes
7) 93.3FM
8) The monthly arrival of Tennis Magazine and Fitness Magazine
9) Deep and thoughtful conversations about the existence of god, the meaning of life, and our country's political situation with my nerdy friends
10) My mom
a. venting to my mom
b. crying to my mom
c. calling my mom randomly
d. traveling/partying with my mom
11) The friends and family who give me so much in every way
12) My cell phone... although it's probably good to break with my addiction to it
13) Sports and Wellness, specifically Cardio Boxing class with CJ

I'm sure there's more, but that's good for now. Eighteen days until departure.... wow.


  1. Your post reminds me so much of how I felt before going off to bootcamp/the military. This is going to be a life changing experience for you and a great opportunity for personal growth. I'm really excited for you! Will they let you receive care packages while you are in C.R.?

  2. Awwww, I'm so flattered! :) I like your list. I should add some things to's been awhile. 18 days till CR?!?! Wow! yippeee! I don't get in to DC till 12:45 so perhaps we'll catch the same shuttle to the hotel or something....assuming there is a shuttle and we don't have to pay for a cab.

  3. If you want I can bring the shoes when I come visit you. I don't know if they will all fit in my bag, but I can always wear the heels and check the rest!

  4. Kristen, I am so happy for you! You are going to have a great time, and though nothing can replace your mom, I'm sure you will forget about the shoes eventually! And I'm sure they have good music there.
